Knowing the Symptoms of Dementia
While it’s always best to speak to a proper medical professional, there are some key symptoms of dementia you should be weary of if you’re concerned. In this short blog post we’ll be going through the symptoms of dementia that you and your personal carer should be looking out for.
Short-Term Memory Changes
The first symptom that you should be monitoring for is a sudden change in short term memory. For example, you or your loved one may find that you forget things that you’ve just done or said.
Short-Term Memory Change is an early sign of Dementia, and catching it early can have a dramatic effect on your quality of life as it develops further. A change in your short term memory is also, by far, the most noticeable symptom of dementia, and many of the other symptoms on this list are further indications of short-term memory change, rather than new symptoms in their own right.
Onset of Confusion
The sudden onset of bouts of confusion is another early indication of the onset of dementia. However, confusion can be brought on through a number of reasons. As such, if you or your loved one is experiencing confusion, it’s best to not jump to conclusions. Either you or your personal carer should monitor the confusion, speak to a doctor, and go from there.
Changes in Mood or Personality
Another key indication of the onset of Dementia is a sudden change in mood. For example, you or your loved one may notice that your loved one has fallen into depression. Alternatively, you may find that your loved one has experienced a change in personality. Your loved one may go from being outgoing to becoming increasingly shy. It can be difficult to notice this shift in your own personality, and it may be that it takes a family member, personal carer, or friend to notice the shift in personality.
Being Repetitive
Repetitive behaviour is another sign of the onset of dementia and one you should be weary of. This is because, thanks to the breakdown of short term memory, the person is unable to remember whether or not they have completed a certain task.
For example, a person may brush their teeth multiple times, run the dishwasher multiple times or lock and re-lock the front door multiple times.
A Failing Sense in Direction
A gradually failing sense of direction is another example of a symptom of dementia that you should be taking notice of. For example, if you or your loved one has started to feel confused about the way home from the shops and if you have lived in the area for some time then you may be facing a dementia diagnosis.
Difficulty Following Storylines
The inability to follow storylines, for example the storyline of a film or a television show, is another indication of a falling memory. This is another indication of the failure of the short term memory that you or your personal carer should watch out for, particularly if the film or television show you’re watching is one you’ve watched several times previously.
Listlessness and the loss of feeling towards tasks or activities that one was previously very passionate about is another sign of the onset of dementia. Unlike most examples on this list, this is not an indication of a change in memory. Rather, it is an indication in the shifting emotional state brought about through a shift in mood or personality.
Difficulty Finding the Right Words
The inability to find the right words and complete a cognizant sentence is another sign of the onset of dementia. You or your loved one may find it difficult to explain tasks or concepts or have difficulty finding the correct noun.
Difficulty Completing Everyday Tasks
The failure to complete normal, everyday tasks is another indication of dementia that you, your loved ones, and your personal carer should be looking out for. This is another example of the failure of the short term memory.
Next Steps
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to your physician immediately and get a proper medical opinion. Dementia can manifest in a number of ways. These include:
- Alzheimer’s Disease
- Lewy Body Dementia
- Vascular Dementia
- Frontotemporal Dementia
- Mixed Dementia
Your exact diagnosis can drastically affect the level of care required. If you have a positive dementia diagnosis and would like to speak to someone about personal care, contact Hands on Care today. Our experienced and caring staff will do everything possible to make this experience as positive as possible.